When the space is boring
When a space is boring its occupants want to leave.
When a space is interesting folks there shun reprieve.
People resist a Plain Jane place I really do believe.
Places and spaces create moods we strive to weave.
There nothing so daunting as plain white page unforgiving,
Not so much bored but as if aware of the author's misgivings.
People resist setting pen to parchment, fearing thought giving
To pages, new spaces upon which groups of letters are living.
Boring spaces sometimes come to live in the talk between two.
Awkward pauses move there and silence is bound to accrue.
Awaiting the right words, one or other is unable to pursue
The connection. None comes when the speaker hasn't a clue.
The space in a rainy day can turn deadly dull boring.
If one's time is misspent, resented, a true out-pouring
of self-pity. And these bored ones live on ignoring
God's blessings. Get up and out. Live life rip-roaring!
My topical post today at South by Southwest and The Reaction is about politics.
Technorati tags: poetry space writing communication thoughts
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