What follows is a round-up of ten of my favorites' Christmas posts. Enjoy:
- Little Town of Bethlehem is Littler Now - by Professor Juan Cole at Informed Comment: A poignant update on the political situation in Bethlehem, including interesting photos.
- Christmas 2008 - by Michael J.W. Stickings at The Reaction: "Be safe out there, and love one another, and imagine a world at peace," is his embracing personal message for the virtual world of the blogosphere.
- happy winter solstice - by betmo at life's journey: My friend and regular contributor adds to our understanding of the holiday season with this post, also featuring lovely images.
- Our house - by TUA at The Future Was Yesterday: my favorite sceptic talks about why Christmas is special where he lives.
- You'd better watch out - by Lorianne at Hoarded Ordinaries: A great word smith and photographer combines her talents into this edgy post.
- On visiting Dickens' only surviving London house - at Maud Newton's literary blog: Great words and pics describe an important part of our Christmas literary heritage.
- Some light holiday reading - by Spadoman at Round Circle: This spirited writer labels his beautiful post as "light reading," but it has breadth and depth aplenty.
- End of Days - by "best friends for over sixty years and counting," Margaret and Helen: Our favorite phenom Old Friends share wisdom, grit, humor and holiday stuffing recipes; it is a must read (with over 100 comments).
- Merry Christmas! - by Steve Clemons at the Washington Note: Sharing an adorable pup pic and his enviable travel itinerary, Steve has wisely decided to observe only at the ski slopes.
- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - by Andrew Sullivan, my favorite Conservative, at the Atlantic's, The Daily Dish: One of the best, Andrew (humbly) celebrates blogging successes of the past year, and ends with links to some of his most important longer pieces.
Happy Holidays. New Year's wishes for good things in 2009.
Technorati tags: christmas news blogs
namaste. i hope that 2009 leads to a better future my friend :)
Thank you very much, betmo.
Every day brings a fresh new sunrise; every decade can bring a new era. The year 2009 represents a brand new decade to me, and I think to millions of people around the world. Let us hope so, anyway.
Namaste, my good friend.
I read every link in it's entirety. When done, I thought to myself; "I'm not the equal of any of these writers!" Thank you for the kind ego stroke.:)
I hope that in President Elect Obama, we can find "hope" and some change, to shut this sceptic up. I like being an optimist much better!:)
Future, I went back to find a comment at TPM Cafe, where I often have a dialogue. This one came from "TheraP," another retired therapist. It is about wanting to be an optimist. She poignantly wrote: "I'm just ready to trust our govt for a change. I really want to trust here. I want them to live up to my trust. I'm worn out from so many years of horrid people ruining the nation. I need a break to relax and have people step up to the plate and care about our society and our infrastruction - but especially the people."
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