n some way, however small and secret, each of us is a little mad. . . . Everyone is lonely at bottom and cries to be understood; but we can never entirely understand someone else, and each of remains part stranger even to those who love us. . . . It is the weak who are cruel; gentleness is to be expected only from the strong. . . . Those who do not know fear are not really brave, for courage is the capacity to confront what can be imagined. . . . You can understand people better if you look at them----no matter how old or impressive they may be----as if they are children. For most of us never mature; we simply grow taller. . . . Happiness comes only when we push our brains and hearts to the farthest reaches of which we are capable. . . . "The purpose of life is to matter----to count, to stand for something, to have it all make some difference that we lived at all." - Anonymous
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well-being thoughts
My topical post today at
South by Southwest and
The Reaction is about "Blog Action Day."
Cross-posted at
Southwest Blogger
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