My friends around BlogWorld talk about their concerns that blog readership seems to be a bit off. I have also had that concern. And recently I have attempted to post better material in a more timely manner. The result has been an increase in readers with unusual curiosities. Here are a few examples of searches (by non-regular readers): someone in India had "googled" this: "question about leadership quality." Someone in Austraila reached my blog by searching on "women traveling in the Middle East." A Californian "googled" for "political fact finders." A person in Indiana searched for "50 ways that the government affects my life." A United Kingdom reader was interested in finding our more about "female bloggers needed." Another Australian searched on "where is the hubble telescope right now 21/8/08." A Native American website in Washington went my post called, "Humor is hard to find these days." A Minnesota reader came to my blog via The Reaction, and spent 10 minutes reading three different posts. Another Californian searched and found a very old post of mine on "prof mary habeck yale." A Georgian (USA) searched on "jfk leadership qualities." And finally someone in Canada "googled," "should i work for nasa oig," and found this old post: Does the Inspector General System Work?"
Today I came across a great little reference for anyone wanting to improve there blogging and get more readers. It comes from a highly popular blog called 43 Folders. The author merlin Mann asks, "What makes for a Good Blog?" In a very helpful post (8/19/08) he lists these main idea headings. (Read the whole post; it is worth it.):
- Good blogs have a voice
- Good blogs reflect focused obsessions.
- Good blogs are the product of "Attention times Interest."
- Good blogs are made of paragraphs.
- Good "non-post" blogs have style and curation.
- Good blogs are weird.
- Good blogs make you want to start your own blog.
- Good blogs try.
- Good blogs know when to break their own rules.
Technorati tags: blogs blogging bloggers internet [google search writing
My topical post today at South by Southwest and The Reaction is about politics.
1 comment:
hmmmm.... i guess that's why my readership is down to few good regulars :)
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